
Experienced Leaders & Team

Wanderin Man has a team of Experienced, technically qualified and first-Aid certified leaders and team members who have years of onground experience.

Certified & Quality Equipment

Wanderin Man uses UIIA certified & top-quality Equipment to be provided and used in every trek , expedition or event .

Risk Mitigation & Emergency Plan

Wanderin man leaders are qualified and have been trained in Rescue operation’s and procedure’s. They, along with our local guides, are certified First-Aid Responders. Emergency Evacuation has been strategically planned out and mapped for every region we operate in.

Incredible experience

Small Group Size

A small group size (max. 15-20 participants depending on the event) allows us to provide our participants with the best possible experience. It also allows us to provide personalized attention to all participants, which in turn helps us in imparting better skill’s and knowledge to all our participants. On our treks we maintain a healthy Participant to leader ratio of 8:1. On Mountaineering Expeditions the group size is not more than 10, and the Participant to leader ratio is 5:1.

Learning Based Experience

We not only want our participants to enjoy their trek, and bring them back safely, we also want them to learn some basic knowledge & skills on all our events. Our leaders have been trained in a way that they make sure that they share their knowledge and wisdom with the participants.

Execution of Plans

We aim to execute our plans that are tailor made for each event, be it imparting basic skills with regards to camping, or knowledge of the trail and the region, or be it conducting fun activities wherever possible.

Value & Service

We want to provide all our participants with the maximum value & the best possible service on each of our event’s . Incorporating skills and knowledge, and encouraging our participants to learn new things is our motto .

Sustainability & Eco-Friendly Practices

We are striving to provide the best possible experience to our participants while taking an approach in sustainability practices. Our batch sizes during treks would be a maximum of 15-20 participants, while it will be capped at 10 during expeditions. We do not set up permanent camps at any campsite and follow the eco-friendly approach of rolling campsites. We make sure that we leave a campsite clean, and do not litter anywhere on the trail. Planting trees is also our motto through each participant depending on the trail we embark on .

Our CSR initiatives

As part of our "Grow Green" drive, we are committed to the plantation of saplings on our treks, or wherever possible. We try to encourage our participants to commit to the planting of a sapling either on the trail, or anywhere near their homes.

Our "Sashakt" Campaign involves the confidence building measures for the physically and visually challenged people. It instils self reliance in them to take on the challenges in life.


As the part of the exercise to ensure the well being and the fitness of our participants, we have the customized treks for the Yoga enthusiasts. The entire program is conducted in the tranquility of the nature which provides the calmness to the thought process and rejuvenates the spirit of the participants.